Arousr - Your Kinky Escape
Discover the secrets both men/women share while exploring sex chat roleplay on the Arousr platform with our real, female chat hosts!
Every Thursday at 12 AM EST we premiere a new kinky episode in order to inspire your next arousing experience online.
NSFW Warning: All of our roleplay chat stories are portrayed by consenting adults and are purely fictional using anonymous characters.
Arousr - Your Kinky Escape
How to Understand the Impregnation Kink
Our Sexologist Elaine S. Turner is back to break down more of your most requested kinks!
In this episode she deep dives into the human behavioral aspects behind 4 kinks this month.
Enjoy the Show!
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Twitter: @arousr
TikTok: @kink_talk
Google Arousr for more NSFW sex chat stories 😉
*Note: All Podcast stories are transcribed by A.I to protect the identities of those involved in those anonymous sessions